College Care Packages for the Fall: Brainstorming Ideas
I took the boys to visit my Alma Mater (Stetson University) earlier this year Unexpectedly, I’ve been thinking about college care packages for the fall lately. A friend of mine runs a local public school and told me a really sad story about one of his students. The student’s family is Jehovah Witnesses, and they don’t support higher education. The student had to choose between his family/community and going to college.
He chose college, which means that his family has disowned him. My friend helped him purchase things for college in the North and flew up there with him to get settled. But my heart goes out to … Read More
Volunteering with Kids: Our Experience
One of our Family Goals is to volunteer our in our community at least three times a year. In Austin, volunteering with kids is incredibly easy thanks to an organization called Generation Serve.
We have done a lot of different activities over the years. Playing games and doing arts and crafts at a retirement center is fun. We have made greeting cards for people experiencing homelessness. We have planted tress (through another great organization called TreeFolks).
Recently, Henry and I went to a food pantry. It’s at a local church twice a week. People experiencing homelessness and/or poverty are able to walk through the pantry like a grocery … Read More
Best Book for the First Day of School: All Are Welcome
I wrote this post before the United States was besieged with two mass shootings in one weekend, one of which was clearly motivated by hate. I’m honestly at a loss for words. Words feel so empty as this point.
The first day of school is upon us today! First of all, we live in the South where back to school comes earlier. Second, my children go to a school that starts three weeks earlier so that we get more breaks throughout the year. We get a week in October, a week for Thanksgiving, two weeks for winter, and two weeks for Spring Break. As we prepare to head back into … Read More