Standup Paddle Boarding: My New Hobby?
Last weekend, Matt took the boys and me to a spot in nature that I had never been to. It’s a portion of the Colorado River that is dammed up. It was a beautiful area, and it inspired my newest hobby: standup paddle boarding.
The water was freezing cold, but the people with inflatable paddle boards looked like they were having so much fun!
I started to research inflatable standup paddle boarding. There are a lot of reviews out there. People take standup paddle boarding very seriously! I was specifically searching for affordable, inflatable standup paddle boards.
Several of the recommended ones weren’t in stock, so I instead opted … Read More
Happy 7th Birthday, Tate!
Stopping on the side of a road to check out a cotton farm on our way to Big Bend Tate’s 7th birthday is right around the corner. Therefore, as part of our parenting rituals, we write each child a letter on their birthday to encapsulate the past year. Then, it goes into their Easy-Peasy Scrapbook, along with approximately 10 photos. Happy 7th Birthday, Tate!
Hanging out at the school camping trip Hanging out with Dad in Lampasas, Texas Tate’s Birthday Letter
Dearest Tate,
You continue to bring so much light into our lives! Your name means “cheerful,” and you definitely bring more cheer into our lives!
You constantly make … Read More
Tate’s Social Distancing Birthday Party
When I made my list of Social Distancing Birthday Party ideas, I honestly didn’t think we were going to need to use any of them! But we are coming up on Tate’s birthday and it’s time to plan his celebration.
Here’s what we are doing:
We are throwing a social distancing birthday party for Tate! We are setting up a giant screen in our cul-de-sac and projecting a movie. We will use duct tape on the street/sidewalk to indicate a spot for each family. The spots will be spread far apart from each other, so families won’t get close to each other. Please bring your own chairs and plan to wear … Read More