Happy Thanksgiving! Are you all set for an awesome break?
Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who live in the United States! I am grateful for this opportunity to celebrate another holiday with my family.
My children continue to grow up so fast! Henry is already past the halfway mark of his time at home with us, and Tate turns 9 in July.
Each year, I ask myself, “Is there anything I want to squeeze in before they get too old for it?” For example, we are too old for photos on Santa’s lap (which we never did anyway). And they’ve never been to Disney World (which I’m also okay with).
We are heading to our vacation house in Bastrop … Read More
How to Talk to Kids about Sex Ed
Photo used with consent from Henry As a mom of a 10 year-old and almost 8 year-old and an educator at a school serving infants through 6th grade, I find myself thinking a lot about how to talk to kids about sex ed. In the United States, only 13 states require that sex education be “medically accurate.” And “research published by the Journal of Adolescent Health shows that when sex education is comprehensive, students feel more informed, make safer choices and have healthier outcomes — resulting in fewer unplanned pregnancies and more protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections.”
I made a personal commitment to talk to my children … Read More
Birthday Rituals: What we still do
It has been so fascinating to watch how our children interact with birthday rituals over the years. At 10 years old, Henry is in such a sweet spot! (Thanks to this approach to parenting, our relationship has been much, much stronger.)
A couple days before his birthday, I told him I would be hanging his birthday banner and pictures soon. He asked, “Why haven’t you done it already?” I clarified, “Are you wishing they were already up?” He then responded with an emphatic yes. It was so heart-warming.
Then, a day before his birthday, he asked, “Can we light my candle now?”
So we all gathered around the table. … Read More