Family Gap Year Post #2: The Planning Begins
The Google Sheet has been started Sometimes I fall madly in love with an idea but then wake up the next day with a “What was I thinking?” feeling. I’ll be honest and say there’s a little of that when it comes to the idea of a Family Gap Year. But the more we keep talking about it, the more excited I get.
I’m still trying to figure out whether it would be possible with my work. It will depend on what the priorities are for my role next year and whether those can be accomplished via video conference.
In the meantime, I’m moving forward with planning. If we … Read More
Family Gap Year: Is It Possible?
In my twenties, my teacher friend, Whitney, and I went to open mic night every Tuesday at the Mucky Duck.
One night, we heard a song about living your life backwards. It was something about living the retirement life when you were younger. The idea was that you should travel while your body was able to handle it well. Then, when you were older and had more appreciation and perspective, you should go back to school.
The Idea of Mini-Retirements Was Born
I took from that song the goal of retiring much later than the average age and using those extra years to take mini-retirements throughout my life.
When … Read More
Vacation in Upstate New York: A Video
Matt finished putting together a video of our vacation in Upstate New York. A friend of ours gave us his old drone and GoPro, so that’s what Matt uses. We also used our iPhones to capture pieces of it.
I’m constantly asking parents who are older than I am, “What do you which you would have done differently to savor your children’s childhoods?” One of the answers that stuck out to me was a colleague of mine. He said, “I wish I would have captured more video.”
I’m so grateful that Matt captures a lot of our lives on video. He makes a recap each year. Here are links … Read More