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    Eight Months: Happy Birthday, Tate!

    Oh, Tater, what another great month with you! You continue to be so sweet. You chuckle at all of Henry’s poop jokes. You are so alert and always watching what all of us are doing. 
    This month you learned how to crawl on all fours. You get anywhere and everywhere–fast! 
    And you continue to love eating. You are very opinionated about not wanting rice cereal and instead wanting whatever we’re eating. You’re convincing, too. This month you’ve tried and enjoyed miso soup, Lebanese soup, and rice and beans. 
    And you’re getting teeth left and right! I took you to the doctor because I thought an ear infection was making you
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    Meat for a Vegetarian

    My and I are both vegetarians and have been for more than a decade now (we were vegetarians before meeting each other). 
    But our son loves meat. He says, “Lions eat meat, and I eat meat.” 
    I very much subscribe to this poem about how our children come through us but not from us. He is his own person. Although we regulate things about his life according to our values and not necessary his preferences (i.e., virtually no screen time until he’s older), there are other times when we honor what he wants and who he is, even if it’s not what we wish he wanted. 
    Like meat. Oh how
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    Life as a Work in Progress

    If you want to know how I’m feeling on the inside, just take one look at my surroundings. Up until yesterday you would have seen a messy house, messy car, and messy work bag. And I’m gaining weight. 

    Inside, I feel like my to-do list is endless, things are coming at me too fast, and I’m completely exhausted all the time. None of this is a surprise. When I planned to open a school in 2014, I was only going to have one kid and s/he was going to be 3.5 when the school opened. That scenario would have been way easier. We changed our minds about the only child
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