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    Seven Months: Happiest Birthday, Tate!

    Oh, Tater Tot! This has been a major month for you! 
    You still army crawl all over the house. Really fast. Mainly towards the one thing you can’t have: Hoss’s water bowl. You like to climb in the dishwasher and explore the refrigerator. You pull up on shelves, window sills, couches–you name it! You are busy, busy, busy. 
    You also learned how to sit this month, but you really have no use for it. You are immediately trying to tuck your legs underneath you and crawl away to find something to pull up on. 
    And you eat like nobody’s business! You eat all sorts of purees: green beans, peas, pumpkin,
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    Baby Food Exchange

    We’ve really been ramping up with Tate’s eating, so I decided to put together another baby food making party. I had an amazing time planning and executing one when we lived in Houston when Henry was a baby. It’s so much more fun to cook with company!
    Seven of us got together in Houston and produced so much food that it essentially lasted from the time Henry was regularly eating solid purees to the time when he could transition to un-pureed food. 
    Sadly, it’s not as easy with the second baby. One of my friends said her weekends are so packed she would rather cook on a Thursday when she’s
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    Closet Organization

    I’ve spent an inordinate amount of my time thinking about closet organization. It started back in our first home in Houston. We needed to maximize the closet space in our tiny bungalow with no garage (hello lawn mower and chicken food right next to the washing machine). I had grand plans to piece together my very own closet system from IKEA pieces, but I never got around to it before we sold our house and moved to Austin. 

    I started thinking about closet systems again when were building our house. I brainstormed different options and decided on IKEA. And then I changed my mind and was going to go with
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