2013 Organizational Challenge
It’s funny how you can move into a brand-new house and still have a ton of projects to do. Although we aren’t ripping up floors and painting like the folks over at Young House Love, we still have a whole host of projects to undertake. Some of these projects fall into Phase 1, which means they need to get done quickly so we can feel more settled, while others fall into Phase 2 (and 3, 4, and beyond!), which require that we save up more money.When I last talked about our house, I mentioned that we had put everything in a spot (for example, everything was assigned a closet),… Read More -
Sleep Training
“Sleep training” is such a polarizing topic, but I think those are the ones we need to talk about most. If we share our rationale, thoughts, feelings, and experiences with each other, then we create more opportunities for conversation, agreement, and disagreement, which ultimately leads to more purposeful parenting. Someone may read this and think, “That’s definitely not the route I want to go,” which is completely understandable. At the end of the day, we are left alone with our thoughts and we have to feel good about the choices we make as parents.Matt and I started sleep training Henry around five months because our pediatrician recommended that we… Read More -
Four Months: Happiest Birthday, Tate!
We cannot get enough of you. Seriously, you are the softest, sweetest little thing.
What a month! You started by rolling over, back to front. We were having a play date one day, and you suddenly just rolled over. No struggle, no practice–you just rolled over. Now when I try to put you under one of your hanging toys, it captures your attention for about two minutes before you are already flipping over! I had to start putting out the bell and ball cylinder because you are eager to scoot toward things, grab them, and put them in your mouth.
Toward the end of the month, you mastered rolling … Read More