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    And with that, the year is almost to a close. I haven’t done my monthly goal posts since Tate’s arrival. I think my overarching goal has been to put my head down and get through it! It’s been a year of big things: Baby Tate! The House! The School! I wish I had time to just sit back and let it sink in. But there’s been so much to do since July. I was back at work meetings just two weeks after Tate’s arrival (my mom was in town and able to watch Tate and Matt was still on paternity leave). 

    And even though I’ve been full-speed ahead with getting
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    ‘Tis the Season!

    Ah, ’tis the season of holidays! With a new baby around, I forgot that I like to start thinking about Halloween in the summer, so I have plenty of time to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas before they sneak up on me. 
    Halloween seems pretty under control. I talked to the two other families I have met in the neighborhood, and they were excited about the idea of a block party Halloween bash. They are going to invite some folks, and I found two other families off the neighborhood list-serv to invite. We’ll just set up a folding table in the cul-de-sac for pizza. I purchased these glow stick bracelets
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    How to Revive Trick-or-Treating in a Neighborhood

    I’ve been trying to decide what to do for Halloween. I posted on our neighborhood list-serv to get a sense of what our neighborhood is like, and it sounds like it’s a lot of dark houses and not a lot of trick-or-treaters. 

    My first inclination was to schlep our family to the Mueller development. It’s a high-density, primarily affluent neighborhood in East Austin. Apparently families from all over our side of town flock there for the bountiful candy. I thought the close proximity of houses would be easier on a toddler.
    But then I thought about one of the comments on the list-serv a little more:
    We had one caller
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