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    Two months past his second birthday, Henry still hasn’t entered “The Terrible Two’s.” However, he is definitely growing in his desire to be independent, to follow his own pace, and to assert his will. There are several things that Matt and I implement proactively to support Henry at this stage:

    • We set up our home to facilitate independence. Henry can open the pantry to get out his plates for snack, access his own glasses and fill them up with water from the Britta inside the fridge, take out the cutting board/knife/whisk/wooden spoon/colander for helping with food preparation, move a stool over to the counter to reach the bananas first thing in
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    Update on Toilet Learning

    We’ve been following the Montessori approach to toilet learning for quite some time now. At 26 months, Henry pretty much only wears thick cotton underwear (the ones from Hannah Anderson are better about containing urine, but we now use the ones from Target because they are less expensive and not so tight). He just recently told us for the first time that he needed to pee in the toilet. Mainly, we ask him to use the toilet every 1.5-2 hours, and that strategy works to keep him mostly accident-free. 
    When we leave the house, we ask him to pee right before we get in the car. We usually
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    Ball of Joy Baby Shower

    When I was pregnant with Henry, Matt and I planned our own “baby shower.” I put the phrase in quotes because we didn’t follow any of the conventions. A) We hosted it ourselves. B) It was co-ed. C) We had it at a bowling alley. D) We didn’t open presents.

    I’d like to continue the tradition of hosting a pre-baby party to bring together our nearest and dearest. It’s fun to congregate to honor and celebrate the new life that is about to enrich our family.
    Since this baby will join us in the summer, I immediately thought about having some kind of gathering near the water. And that’s when
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