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    Finally! A Growth Chart

    It seems kind of silly to devote an entire post to discussing my search for a growth chart, but the process took enough time and went through enough iterations to seem worthy of a conversation. Perhaps all my thinking can save you some thinking if growth charts are on your horizon.
    First, let me say that I’m a little sad that I waited two years to purchase a growth chart. Ideally, we would have been charting Henry’s growth from the time he was standing. But we didn’t. 
    I’m over it. 
    I started my search on Etsy and immediately fell in love with giant wooden ruler growth charts. I love
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    Habit #2: Read Every Night Before Bed

    So far, so good when it comes to my plan to introduce one new habit every week (or so). I’ve done a much better job with staying hydrated. I make it a habit to always have my water bottle with me, to constantly drink water whenever I’m at restaurants, and to drink a lot at dinner if I need to catch up for the rest of the day.

    The next habit I want to add into the mix will be to read a little most nights before bed. I’ve been disappointed with how much TV I’ve been watching lately (on a computer via Netflix or Hulu, since we don’t own

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    Spending Time Abroad

    I know I’m getting ahead of myself (my first born isn’t turning two until the end of February!), but I’ve started dreaming about taking a year off to live abroad when our kids are around the 4th and 6th grade respectively. The idea appeals to me on so many levels: it would be fun to plan, it could bring us closer as a family, it would be an amazing learning and life-changing experience for our children, it could be an opportunity for our children to have one-on-one academic attention–the list goes on! 
    Even though it feels early to be thinking about this kind of trip, it also feels like our
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