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    Reflections on the First Trimester

    Phew. I sure am glad the first trimester is over. While in the middle of it, I knew it was rough. But now that I’m through it, I realize just how bad I felt. 
    My prediction is that I’m pregnant with a girl. I know it’s silly to try and read little signs, but with 50/50 odds, I might as well take a guess, right? 
    At first I thought I was having a girl because the heart rate was on the high end of the spectrum the first two times we heard it (the third time it dropped down to the middle range, so who knows?). Henry’s heart rate was
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    Displaying Children’s Artwork

    Even though we still haven’t started construction on our new house due to permitting delays, I’ve been having so much fun planning the space as much as possible. My hope is that we stay at this house for the next 10-20 years (eep!), so I’m eager to get it settled and organized. I’m not someone who likes to constantly rearrange and redecorate; I like to tinker until it’s just right and then just maintain the environment while my focus shifts to other things and projects. (Well, having growing children means that the space will inevitably change in order to meet their needs, but that’s different than simply changing things up
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    Organic Mattress


    The search for an organic mattress begins! 

    Henry’s been sleeping on a crib mattress on the floor (Montessori-style) since we stopped co-sleeping around two months. Now that there’s a new baby on the way (due at the end of June), it feels like a good time to upgrade him to a twin mattress on the floor. Eventually, we’ll probably pair the mattress with the MALM bed from IKEA, but for now we might as well keep it as low to the ground as possible. 
    It won’t be much of a transition to go from a crib to a twin mattress, but we might as well
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