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    And So the New Year Begins!

    What a whirlwind vacation: a 20-hour road trip with a toddler and a bloodhound (not nearly as awful as I thought it would be!) from Austin to Tampa, a couple days with my family in Florida, a last-minute change to our flight to avoid the blizzard that descended upon Indiana, a Christmas-day flight to Matt’s hometown in Bloomington, five days of snow, a trip to the pediatrician for antibiotics, two flights back to Florida along with a 2-hour car ride to get to my best friend’s house on the other side of Florida, a New Year’s party, a trip to the beach, a two-hour trip back to my family’s hometown,

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    See You in the New Year!

    As much as I like the festive Christmas spirit, I really, really like the new year. I like the natural cycle of reflection, planning, goal-setting, dreaming, and the renewed sense of energy I feel.
    My friends and I have been filling out this New Year’s Reflection form since I created it in 2005. Last year, I added Andrea’s reflection into the mix, which is more holistic. We also make a collage to represent the kind of year we want to have. I like Andrea’s idea of having a mantra for the year. This year, I want to make sure I incorporate my mantra into my collage.
    My mantra for 2012
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    Dealing with Sadness

    I’ve been experiencing sadness lately. I think part of it comes from all the pregnancy hormones. I think the other part of it comes from not getting all of my needs met. The last time I wrote out what I need on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, here’s what I came up with:
    • Eight hours of sleep (Still important! I’m basically getting this need met, plus a 1.5-hour nap every day)
    • Healthy meals (Yes, when my first-trimester stomach can handle it.)
    • Plenty of water (Sadly, no; I need to step up my game!)
    • Quality time with my family (Yes!)
    • Time outside (Yes!)
    • Meaningful and productive work with
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