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    Easy, High-Protein Breakfast

    I’m still in the eat-whatever-will-sit-well-with-my-slightly-queasy-stomach phase of pregnancy, so I haven’t been able to kick my healthy eating into high gear. Salads are just now starting to feel tolerable again. According to this online due date calculator, I am officially just beginning the second trimester. 
    As a vegetarian, I want to make sure I eat plenty of protein. I can usually hit 60-70 grams if I eat a high-protein breakfast, dinner leftovers for lunch, dinner, and two high-protein snacks (including a protein bar recommended by my midwife).
    I’ve had too many green smoothies lately, so I wanted to put a new option into the mix: an egg and cheese
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    Genetic Screening Update

    I just want to acknowledge that writing this post was difficult. I’ve re-read it several times and have considered not publishing it. I don’t feel proud of myself when I admit that one of the reasons we opted for genetic screening this time around is that having a second baby is going to push us to capacity.
    But I can only be who I am. I am always striving to grow and evolve as a person, but I am who I am. As someone who publishes my thoughts in a public forum, I feel it is my obligation to share those thoughts honestly. 
    Thank you, Dear Universe, for another
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    Talking to the First Child About a Baby

    The difference between talking with Henry about a baby when I was pregnant back in May and June (when he was ~17 months old) versus now (when he’s 21 months old) is drastic. Back then, he gave no indication that he understand what we were talking about at all. Now, he initiates conversations about the baby and adds his own thoughts. 

    The first thing he said about babies is that they “cry.” He sings “The Wheels on the Bus” at school, so he knows that babies go “wah, wah, wah.” He even does hand gestures to go with it. After a while, he added to the conversation that babies “poop.”
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