Holiday Guests
I’m so excited about the impending holidays. We’re staying here for Thanksgiving, and my best friend and his sister (who is also our good friend) are flying in from Florida. They’ll arrive on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. On Thursday, we’ll trek to Houston for the most delicious dinner at our friend’s house. She is the most exquisite vegetarian cook, and we always have the best time with the friends she assembles.
I asked my best friend how he wanted to spend his time during his visit in Austin, and he said he didn’t have any preferences. Although I don’t want to plan the whole visit myself, I do think it’s… Read More -
DIY Toddler Apron
I’ve been meaning to share this apron for a while now. It took me forever to get around to making it, but I’m glad I finally did. One of the things Kylie wrote about in her sections of Kids in the Kitchen: Simple Recipes That Build Independence and Confidence the Montessori Way was the importance of having aprons for separate tasks. They help define the task, and they provide another opportunity to practice independence.Meg of Sew Liberated shared an awesome apron pattern for young children in a Montessori environment. It’s specifically designed to honor the young child’s need for independence. The neck has elastic built into it, so it… Read More -
Book Tour Pondering
Friends, thank you so much for your outpouring of support in response to this request for help with my DIY, budget book tour. I know it’s a lot to ask. I try to only ask things of people that I would be willing to do in return (for example, I tried to get Meg to do a book tour stop in Houston with the promise of a homemade wedding cake).I’ve had so much fun meeting kindred spirits over the years, such as Kelsey, Meghan, Kelly, Jennie, Sarah, Monja–and more! That’s the real appeal of a book tour–meeting more of you. Book tours are increasingly… Read More