Register Now: Purposeful Conception!
I’ve had two requests in the past two weeks to run another course about preparing your mind, body, and life for pregnancy, and that’s enough motivation for me. I honestly feel like I’m living my best life when I’m traveling the path of healthy living–physically, emotionally, and mentally–with other kindred spirits.Here’s some feedback from the last course:“This course has done just what I hoped it would do – give me and my
husband a framework of questions, exercises, and preparations for us to
consider before starting a family. As a result, preparing for conception
seems less learn-as-you-go, and much more of an intentional journey.
Having a plan to -
Babysitting Co-Op Revisited
It’s been more than 10 months since we made the move from Houston to Austin. Some people said it would take about six months to adjust; others said it would take about two years. Honestly, I think it’s both. I think it took six months to feel settled and comfortable; I think it will be two years before Austin really feels like home.One of the things we left behind in Houston was our amazing babysitting co-op. Since Matt and I don’t have family and town–nor do we have extra money to hire babysitters–we are left to barter babysitting (which I honestly don’t mind one bit). I love having… Read More -
Montessori Holiday Presents
As the holidays approach, I’ve had a couple requests to talk about how we communicate to others about what kind of toys we prefer for Henry. It’s a delicate situation, for sure. It’s difficult to sound sufficiently and authentically grateful for others’ generosity while simultaneously saying, “We prefer not to have plastic or battery-powered toys.” We’re lucky because our families ask for lists of things. When I gave them the list last year (see below), I tried to include a range from very specific items to general brands and/or stores that tend to sell more natural things.————Hi All,I hope this message finds you well!Matt and… Read More