Partner in Publishing
The other day, I received a lovely e-mail from a kindred spirit asking if I wanted a partner on my upcoming Purposeful Parenthood course. Since I already finished mapping out the entire course, the timing wasn’t great to try and collaborate with someone else at this point.
However, it got me thinking about how awesome it would be to partner with someone to keep 2000 Dollar Wedding up and running. The site is still really important to me because how we plan our weddings sets precedents for the kind of families we create. I want to continue to produce content related to planning a meaningful and memorable celebration without losing… Read More -
On Saving and Spending
I very much enjoyed reading Mr. Money Moustache’s post earlier this week. As I’ve mentioned before, MMM is a married dad in his thirties who retired early. His post on Monday was all about the average middle class person’s spending (which actually seems like upper middle class to me) versus his recommended spending amounts. He even includes a handy table, which contrasts the two types of spending side-by-side.It was super-helpful to open up Matt’s and my budget for a comparison. Matt and I have worked with a budget for the past four years. Our budget is always changing, depending on our job situations. When we were both working full-time,… Read More -
Henry’s Health Binder
I am humbled by your kindness, Friends. Thank you for taking time out of your day to share some encouraging words with me yesterday. I promise my intent wasn’t to make you feel sorry for me and say nice things to me (although maybe that was some kind of sub-conscious desire?). Regardless, your thoughtfulness was much-appreciated.… Read MoreWe’re getting ready to take Henry to his 18-month well-check appointment (I know; we’re a month late). I’ve been wanting to create a centralized place to keep all of his health-related things. Right now we have a folder for everything, but folders never really feel organized to me. Also, not everything makes it