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    The Waiting Game: Am I Pregnant?

    The week before last, I felt totally pregnant. I felt just like I did right after we conceived Henry: bloated, weird flutter things, general crampiness–stuff like that. Last week and this week, not so much. I took a pregnancy test that we had lying around, and it was negative. I didn’t expect it to be positive (even though I think I’m pregnant) because I took it so early. 
    So now we wait. We wait until it makes sense to take a pregnancy test again. On the one hand, I was so convinced I felt pregnant two weeks ago (and last week I wanted to take a nap nearly every afternoon).
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    Indecision & Uncertainty

    Matt and I need to make a firm decision about the property/house situation. We’ve extended our option period three times (which means we would lose $200 if we backed out). We’ve also already paid about $1,300 for a soil sample. We’re definitely on the path toward purchasing land and building a house, but I am overwhelmed with indecision. 
    I think part of the problem is the relative permanence of this decision. We would essentially be building one of the most expensive houses in the neighborhood, which is never a good financial move. If anything happened (e.g., my school didn’t receive permission from the state to open, the school location
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    Dwelling in Possibility: Tricking My Internal Critic

    There are definitely moments when my big dreams feel overwhelming and nearly impossible (more than I care to admit!). My internal dialogue goes something like: “What do you think you’re doing? Who do you think you are to [insert any one of my goals, such as write a book, start a school, or build a community]? You seriously think this will work?”
    In those moments, I usually try to go to bed and hope to wake up feeling more refreshed in the morning, or, if it’s way to early in the evening to go to bed without seeming seriously depressed, I watch some Hulu or read a book.
    Once I
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