New Montessori Toy
Henry is finally walking! I will not lie; I was a little worried that he still wouldn’t be walking by the 16-month mark and we would have to take him to occupational therapy (per our pediatrician’s warning). He started at about 13 months and is now pretty steady at 14 months.We worked really hard to let him develop his movement naturally from birth. He spent a lot of time lying on his back or stomach on his movement mat, looking at mobiles, gazing at himself in the mirror, or looking at black-and-white books (instead of hanging out in infant seats or swings). He started rolling over both ways at… Read More -
Reflection & Rejuvenation: May
Oh, wow. I was honestly afraid to look back at my intentions for last month because I didn’t do a good job of keeping them at the forefront of my attention this month. But it turns out it’s not as terrible as I thought.- Read Good to Great as my professional development book this month: No.
- Work on the book I’m writing with Kylie about cooking with children in a Montessori way: Yes!
- Work on charter school application: Yes!
- Participate in Austin Earth Day event: Yes!
- Design marketing materials for Magnolia Montessori For All: I’ve been trying to meet with a graphic designer. We finally have a meeting this
I Might Be Pregnant
Life has been so busy happening that I haven’t had a chance to write about it. First, I was working hard to maintain my patience while Matt was out of town and then my bonus parents were in town and then I had to prepare and implement a booth at the Austin Earth Day Festival for Magnolia Montessori For All. Along the way, I managed to lose my Life Binder and we put an offer on the piece of land I’ve been telling you about and I’ve been going back and forth with the publisher to get my book cover and title just right and Matt decided he was ready