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    Montessori Home Tour: Living Room

    When Matt and I were unpacking and moving into our new home in Austin, we tried to keep Montessori principles and ideas at the forefront of our minds as much as possible. I went back to this post about how to set up each area of the home. Of course we had to make adjustments based on the space we have and the set-up of our new rental house.
    The living room is the hub of our home. We don’t need a separate “play room” for Henry because we spend most of our time in the living room, and he wants to be where we are. We intentionally devoted
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    Reflection & Rejuvenation: February

    Long time, no talk! I apologize for my unscheduled break last week. We found out on the previous Tuesday that our closing was actually going to happen on Thursday. Although Thursday, 1/26 was on our original contract, we assumed it wasn’t going to be that early, since the title company was still working on financing stuff with the buyers.

    So Tuesday to Thursday isn’t much time to pack. Although I did attempt to follow my moving project plan as much as possible, I didn’t start the packing part until we knew we were officially moving. Two days to pack up your entire life (2.5 people

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    11 Months: Happy Birthday, Henry!

    Dearest Henry Jones,

    You are growing so much! You are in the 90th percentile for height and the 60th percentile for weight. You gained two pounds of holiday weight. Your head is still small for a baby (around the 25th percentile).

    We go to the park nearly every day now. You love to crawl right up to other kids and watch them. You also know how to go down the slide all by yourself. You crawl to the edge of the slide, kick your legs over, and slide down feet first on your stomach. You open your mouth wide to take in all the joy. We just signed a lease

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