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    About Page

    You may have noticed by now that I have some fancy new navigation buttons in my sidebar (courtesy of the wonderful and reliable Sebrina). Or you may never notice those links if you’re using a blog reader….

    I have links to the following:

    • Photos of our lives (with a focus on Henry, of course)
    • Notebooks: An overview of how I use a writer’s notebook to collect and develop ideas
    • Pocket Neighborhood: Information about the little community I’m trying to pull together in Austin
    • Community: Directions about how to join the Feeding the Soil community (which is sadly quiet!)
    • Organization: I share my system for staying
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    Babies’ Receptive Language

    One of the things we talk a lot about in Montessori is that babies’ receptive language (i.e., what they understand) is greater than what they can produce for a long time. For that reason, we spend a lot of time talking to babies. Kylie wrote a great post about how to talk to babies, which includes things like using real words (such as “pacificer” instead of “binky” or “toilet” instead of “potty”). We also spend a lot of time describing what we’re doing (e.g., “Now I’m washing your left foot.”). Further, we try to imitate the noises that Henry makes. We’ll continue that practice until he really starts trying
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    Holiday Ideas

    The most recent issue of Better Homes & Gardens had two brilliant holiday ideas.
    1. You can cut an inch off the bottom of your Christmas tree (which helps with absorption anyway) and use a marker or pen to write your names and the year. You can attach a piece of ribbon and create an ornament to commemorate every Christmas together.
    2. You can make a tabletop Christmas tree by poking sticks into foam in a planter, covering the foam with moss, and decorating the tree with small ornaments, pine cones, etc.
    You could also make your own advent calendar, using these tutorials from Oh, Happy Day!
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