The Importance of Practical Life
… Read MoreSince I started chucking my to-do list during Henry’s awake times, I’ve noticed that he’s become more needy, demanding, and clingy. Of course it’s partly due to his age (8 months) and his developmental trajectory.
However, when I read this post and this post by Stephanie, a Montessori mom, I decided to try a different strategy. I decided to make myself busy around Henry. I started doing my own work around the house during his awake time. In her posts, she specifically said to stay off the computer and the cell phone during this time, since it’s a distraction to the child’s own work.
I decided to start by doing
Dwelling in Possibility: Hold Fast to Dreams
A prefab house built by one of the companies we’re considering
As I move full-speed ahead on my two, big goals (to start a national network of high-performing, authentic, public Montessori charter schools in diverse communities and to start a pocket neighborhood in Austin), I’m beginning to realize that it’s necessary to maintain a delicate balance between holding fast to my original visions while simultaneously compromising enough so that I can actually move forward.… Read MoreFor example, my original vision for the pocket neighborhood was to purchase three acres of land and develop it with five or so other families. Executing that vision is definitely easier said than done. Another cohousing
Buying a Vacation Home
Images courtesy of Brand 66 via Dezeen
When I took the Mondo Beyondo e-course last year, I generated a list of big, audacious goals. Much to my amazement, two of them have already been actualized: give birth to a healthy baby and sign a contract on my book about how to plan a meaningful and memorable wedding without losing your savings or sanity.… Read MoreI’m currently in the process of working on two others: starting a national network of high-performing, authentic, public Montessori charter schools and building a pocket neighborhood in Austin.
And now I’m wondering if I should add another to this list: buy a vacation home for