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    Happy, Happy Halloween!

    Phew! Henry’s first Halloween ended up being fun after all.

    For a while there, I was a bit depressed that I went out of my way to dress him up as his favorite thing (his bloodhound brother, Hoss) and he wasn’t cooperating. Every time I put his bloodhound hat on (thank you, Lilly!) he would pull it right off, even when the chin strap was secured.

    Even at the beginning of the day I figured it was futile to try and dress him up at all. I didn’t make him a collar or a tail, and I didn’t bother finding a brown outfit to perfectly match his hat.

    Plus, we

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    Eight Months: Happy Birthday, Henry!

    Henry! You are growing and changing so much.

    This month as been all about crawling. You army crawled from 5-7 months, and from 7-8 months you figured out it was faster to get up on all fours. You go especially fast when you’re headed toward something you aren’t supposed to reach, like the toilet or Hoss’s bowls. You’ve also figured out how to pull open doors, so you love letting yourself out of your room when you wake up.

    You’re still pulling up on everything. Luckily, you’ve figured out how to get down really easily (although you still bonk your head occasionally). You move from crawling to sitting and back

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    Mini-Caramel Apples

    Picture courtesy of Sunset Magazine

    I’m checking things off my list of intentions for the Fall!

    We ventured to a pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin for all six of us (Matt, Henry, Hoss, and our two chickens, Clem and Hop-Sing). Henry had a grand ol’ time eating grass.

    I also made some caramel apples for a potluck with friends. I found a recipe in Sunset Magazine for mini-caramel apples. So cute!

    I tried to follow this easier recipe, and the whole thing was pretty much a failure. The caramel slid right off. After rereading the Sunset recipe, I’m wondering if it’s because I turned the mini-apple

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