• Uncategorized

    A New Tradition

    For the most part, I have completely curbed all frivolous spending at the grocery store (I need to write a post about some of my new strategies for saving money while still purchasing primarily organic). But this past weekend I found myself standing in front of a display at Whole Foods (Henry was eating a piece of their free Kids’ Club fruit), longing for a beautiful, handcrafted Christmas ornament. They were $5.99 and proceeds go to an international charity. In particular, I was struck by an ornament that reminded me of Henry’s classroom at his Montessori school. It seemed like the perfect way to commemorate this year for him.
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  • Good Times

    Friendsgiving Magic: Looking Forward to Things

    Friendsgiving was pure magic. Hooray! There’s always a risk that something might be a big flop—especially if you build it up a lot in your mind in the weeks and days leading up to it.

    But the only thing wrong with Friendsgiving this year was that it ended too soon!

    The day started with getting my easy-peasy chili into the crock pot and baking apple crisps. I also candied some walnuts for my salad. Matt and Henry headed out to the vacation house early so they could meet the delivery man. We ordered a bouncy house (my first!), six folding tables, and 40 folding chairs from a local party supply … Read More