My Addiction to Technology
This article about how easy it can be to become addicted to technology these days really resonated with me. The irony was that I came across the article while I was scrolling through Facebook.There really is a lot of amazing stuff that comes into my life through Facebook. I don’t want to cut it out altogether. The trick, for me, is about moderation. I literally pick up my phone to fill up every spare moment I have. I’m waiting for Matt to get out of the shower so we can go to bed? Let me check Facebook. I’m getting a pedicure? Let me scroll through Facebook. I’m going… Read More -
Holiday Traditions (and Reducing Holiday Stress)
The Christmas spirit is alive and kicking at the Cotner-Bradford residence!The Friday after Thanksgiving, we drove out to a Christmas tree farm in a small rural town to cut down our Christmas tree. The boys have been eagerly anticipating the experience for about a month. Tate was thrilled to ride on a tractor out into the field. We came home with a 9.5-foot tree (they always look smaller in the field than they do at home…).We got the ornaments down from the storage area and started hanging them on the tree. As I had hoped, it was so fun to look at all the ornaments we had collected… Read More -
The 20-Degree Challenge
Matt and I have been trying to use our air-conditioning and heat less often in order to be better on the environment and our wallet. The thing about living in Central Texas is that you can literally go from AC to heat (and back again) in the span of a week. Oddly enough, it’s not often the perfect temperature to have nothing on and the windows open.Matt and I have been trying to stretch what feels right in our home but undertaking the “20-Degree Challenge.” We are trying not to turn on the air-conditioning until it gets hotter than 80-degrees in our house and trying not to turn on… Read More