College Care Packages for the Fall: Brainstorming Ideas
I took the boys to visit my Alma Mater (Stetson University) earlier this year Unexpectedly, I’ve been thinking about college care packages for the fall lately. A friend of mine runs a local public school and told me a really sad story about one of his students. The student’s family is Jehovah Witnesses, and they don’t support higher education. The student had to choose between his family/community and going to college.
He chose college, which means that his family has disowned him. My friend helped him purchase things for college in the North and flew up there with him to get settled. But my heart goes out to … Read More
Family Gap Year Post #2: The Planning Begins
The Google Sheet has been started Sometimes I fall madly in love with an idea but then wake up the next day with a “What was I thinking?” feeling. I’ll be honest and say there’s a little of that when it comes to the idea of a Family Gap Year. But the more we keep talking about it, the more excited I get.
I’m still trying to figure out whether it would be possible with my work. It will depend on what the priorities are for my role next year and whether those can be accomplished via video conference.
In the meantime, I’m moving forward with planning. If we … Read More
Camping with Kids: You don’t do it for the sleep
Our second tent-camping experience with kids was a success! We drove to Palmetto State Park after school, stopping in Lockhart for dinner.
Similar to our first tent-camping experience with our kids, we arrived later than I wish we had. Unlike our first trip, we at least arrived while it was still light outside. Fortunately, our tent is incredible. It literally pops into place! However, it got dark right when we finished, and it didn’t leave a lot of time to play and socialize with friends. Next time, I definitely want to bring battery-powered string lights to create a nice ambience for hanging out before bed. Lantern-light is so harsh! … Read More