• Health-n-Wellness

    Getting Healthy as I Head into Perimenopause

    getting healthy

    I’m taking this quote from a physiologist and personal trainer about getting healthy to heart. She said:

    “Everyone in their 40s should be thinking about getting themselves in tip-top shape so that when [perimenopause] happens, it’s as fine as it can be. Don’t treat it like a lottery and don’t wait until you’re feeling crap and then try to make decisions in that state.”

    Lucinda Meade

    I think about getting healthy in four buckets:

    1. Exercise
    2. Nutrition
    3. Sleep
    4. Stress-Reduction

    Trying to do those four things while also working a big, full-time job while also raising a 10 year-old and an 8 year-old is no joke!

    Getting Healthy with Exercise

    It has … Read More