• Reflection-n-Rejuvenation

    Reflections on 40: Entering a New Decade

    As my fortieth birthday approaches (beginning of February), I continue to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going. I realized that my life has played out in interesting ways across the decades:  

    In my 20s:  I was figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. I knew that I wanted to do non-profit work and wanted to be part of the solution to our world’s problems, but I didn’t know exactly what or how. Toward that end, I explored a lot of areas until I refined my focus into making the Montessori approach accessible to all children and implementing it in a way that ensures … Read More

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    Hello, 2018!

    Some of my friends were worried about me after receiving my somewhat depressing holiday card recap of 2017. I had to assure them that I was actually feeling a lot better by the time the year was coming to a close and I was gearing up for 2018. 
    My theme for this year is Sustain & Strengthen. If I were going to use a yoga metaphor to explain, it would be that I’m not going to introduce any new poses into my repertoire; I’m simply going to keep practicing the ones I know so that I’m doing them with more strength, composure, and grace. 
    It means that I cut
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    Saying Farewell to 2017 (See You in 2018!)

    We are so close to the end of the year, my friends! 
    I do feel like I’ve made the most of this year. I am so grateful for all that I have, and I want to savor every last bit of it. 
    I’m still brainstorming what I hope to manifest in 2018. I started writing a lot of different things on one single page: savor, being rather than doing, family goals, slow to say yes and fast to say no, sustain, friends/connection, ukulele, tennis, Saturday Suppers, starting an Austin chapter of Navigators, 40th birthday party, podcast, a weekend away with Matt, getting our will done, therapy, beautiful office. 
    Then I
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