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    Embracing the Wide Open Spaces

    I have a big idea brewing in my head, and I need time and space to let it percolate. It can be so easy to fill the quiet spaces with noise: blogging, reading blogs, checking e-mail, talking to friends, listening to music.

    But there’s something to be said for intentionally giving yourself room to think. It’s like blocking out the distractions so you, the quarterback, have time to plan, strategize, and decide before getting buried.

    I was hesitant to get an iPhone because I feared that constant connection to the internet would tempt me to blow useless carbon dioxide into every available crevice. When I’m waiting in a line or … Read More

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    Authentic Moments

    In one of my Writer’s Notebooks, I have a place to record my most authentic life moments–those moments when I was doing something that made me feel most aligned with my authentic self. I entitled it, “Butterfly Specimens.” It was a place to collect those rare, fleeting, but beautiful specimens.

    I used to obsess over finding and cultivating those moments.

    I had one of those authentic moments tonight. Matt and I went to a party (at 9pm on a school night). I reconnected with an acquaintance I met a long time ago and could immediately tell we should be better friends. And, luckily, her partner seemed completely awesome (and got … Read More

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    Taking the Road Less Traveled

    I need books in my life. I really do. I need to be reading a book for fun in order to live a truly rounded, whole existence.

    I know this about myself and yet I don’t always cooperate with my needs. When I get busy at work, my reading slips quietly off my agenda for the day (or week or month!). It’s sad.

    But I’m on vacation! And I am reconnecting with my dear friend, Books. I’m reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. (Yes, I know I am behind all the other readers in America…) It’s a memoir about living an inauthentic life (in her case, it was in … Read More