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    My New Year’s Resolutions

    The New Year is upon us. I love this time of year. As much as I love getting cozy and creative for Christmas, I am always eager to clear out the tree, take down the holiday decorations and have an uncluttered space both physically and emotionally. I love dwelling in possibility, planning, and being intentional about the kind of year I want to have. 

    (Side note: I often think about how unpredictable and fragile life is, how everything could change in an instant and my life could be completely derailed, but I tap into the fear and the worry to find the energy to face forward and live the life
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    Time to Hibernate

    I’m laughing as I write the word “hibernate” because living in Central Texas requires anything but hibernating. This weekend I went running around the lake in shorts and a t-shirt!
    But Winter Break is upon us, and it’s time for me to hang up my blogging shoes until January. Even though we are working really hard to keep our holiday season low-key, we are still going to be busy spending time with family. 
    I need to really think about what my intentions are going to be for next year. I want to shift my focus away from doing to being. As much as possible. I’ll always be a doer.
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    Why I’m Not a Stay-at-Home Mom

    I went to great lengths to stay at home with Henry for the first year of his life. With Tate, I stayed at home with him for the first 5-6 months of his life and then worked at home for the remainder of his first year of life with the help of a nanny. I felt like it was really important to provide them with that kind of foundation. But now that I’m a working mom, I don’t ever want to go back!
    I sometimes get romantic notions about homeschooling my children. However, now that I’ve been home with them for one week of summer vacation (only one week!) I
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