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    Self-Help Daily Digest

    I love receiving daily updates from Brian Johnson. He reads self-help books and synthesizes them into brief summaries and videos. A lot of the concepts he covers are things that I grappled with in my twenties–things that now enable me to set ambitious goals and break them down into smaller next steps. 
    One of the updates from last week is still something I’m thinking about:
    ——from Brian Johnson——
    “The key to becoming world-class in your endeavors is to build your performance around world-class routines. It can be difficult, even futile, to predict or control what will show up in the middle of your workday. But you can
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    These Days

    A couple weeks ago at church, the minister started to do a sermon about being happy with what you have. She then realized that she wanted to talk more about identifying the things you want to bring into your life and making a plan for how to get them. 
    She asked us to make a “jealousy map” by writing the names of the people we were jealous of, the specific qualities/things we were jealous of, and what it might look like for us to bring that quality/thing into our lives. 
    I immediately thought back to my twenties when I harbored lots of jealousy for the people around me. I
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    My Secret Passion

    There are many paths my life could have taken. If I didn’t go into the field of preK-12 education, I might have been a gay rights lawyer. Or a dancer. 
    Yes, I have a not-so-secret passion for dancing. In fact, I was a cheerleader for eight years of my life (all the way through varsity) just because I loved the dancing part. I couldn’t stomach the rest of it, so I quit and joined the swim team in 11th grade. 
    But dancing! I love it. And I’ve been thinking about ways to reconnect with it. 
    The other day, I remembered that many years ago, I used to daydream about having
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