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    Movie Recommendation: Something, Anything

    Yesterday I wrote all about a film that recently resonated with me: Something, Anything. I feel fortunate that I had a chance to interview the producer, Ashley Maynor. Here’s what we talked about:

    How long have you been a film producer and what exactly does being a film producer entail? 

    • I’ve produced films since 2005—both my own and those of other writer/directors. The easiest way to explain the role of a producer is through this metaphor: If you think of the writer/director of the film as a birth mother (with the film as the baby), then the producer is the midwife. You can birth a film without a producer—or
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    Finding Our Authentic Paths

    During the winter holiday, a blog reader reached out to me about a film she produced called Something, Anything. On the one hand, I thought, “How cool! I would love to write about someone who mustered up the courage it took to follow her authentic path in life.” On the other hand, I thought, “What if I hate the movie? What am I supposed to say then?”

    Fortunately, Matt and I watched a pre-screening that night and we LOVED it. Both of us. Seriously.

    It’s a film about finding and following your authentic path, despite how hard it will feel, what kind of judgement you might face, or how

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    For some people, having a child is like coming home. It’s like feeling as if everything is finally in place, comfortable, normal–the way it’s supposed to be. 

    For myself, having children has been like traveling to the far reaches of the world. Exciting! Alluring! Novel! 
    And then the reality hit: I don’t speak this language, everything is confusing, nothing works the way I’m used to it working, and I’m tired and homesick. And during the first four months after Tate’s birth, I found myself frequently folded over a toilet bowl (but instead of having giardia, I had a malfunctioning gallbladder). 
    I try not to come to this whiny place often.
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