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    Maternity Leave Guest Post: How to Offer Sincere Condolences

    Photo by: Muffet

    By Adinda E.E. Delporte

    Death and sadness are as closely connected to life as birth and happiness, yet people generally tend to avoid talking or thinking about these subjects. With reason, I suppose, because filling your life and mind with sad thoughts doesn’t exactly evoke happiness. Yet from time to time, we have no choice but to acknowledge death and grief and think about how we deal with it; how we help others deal with it. In recent years, I have lost two uncles and one great-uncle and while I was definitely shaken by their deaths, these were in no way my dearest loved ones. Their deaths … Read More

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    On Turning 35

    I turned 35 this past Saturday, and two thoughts passed through my mind:

    • “Hey, I’m old enough to run for the presidency!” (even though I would never want that position because I think my quality of life would be terrible)
    • “Hm, I’m half-way to 70.” 
    The fact that the second thought came and went without causing any sort of consternation struck me as a good sign. I’m content with where I’ve been in my life, where I am, and where I’m going. I’m trying to make the most of this “one wild and precious life.” 
    Every year, I try to plan the exact kind of birthday that will satiate my
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  • Dwelling in Possibility

    Live the Life You Imagined

    I started reading last month’s issue of Sunset Magazine, and I have to say that several different segments are resonating with me.   

    First, there was the “From the Editor” letter about the American tendency to set resolutions focused on self-improvement. She speculates that thinking about our lives as “another task to be executed” thwarts our attempts to find true contentment. She says, “adding on yet another layer of self-improvement isn’t what will make us happy.” Instead, she decides to be more present in the moment and enjoy life around her.   

    I am definitely guilty of living a task-oriented life. In fact, I am probably at the extreme … Read More