Thoughts on Making the World a Better Place
Oh, I am getting teary-eyed (no, it’s not because I’m pregnant and a gazillion hormones are coursing through my body). It’s because the first crop of third graders I taught in Franklin, Louisiana (a small, rural town two hours away from New Orleans and one hour away from Lafayette) just graduated from high school.… Read MoreI got this message from one of my former students:
hey ms cotner,I’m just trying to keep you informed with how I’m doing. I am officially a grown up now. i graduated number nine in my class and that’s something that I’m very proud of. I’m currently in summer school at Louisiana State University. I’m
Being a Neighborly Neighbor
… Read MoreThe view from our bungalow to the house across the street
Matt and I have only lived in our humble bungalow for two years. In that time, people have come and gone in the rental house across the street. We were really good friends with the first family that lived there. We went to their birthday parties, we talked on our porches, we cooked S’mores together.
And then they moved. We were heartbroken but not discouraged. We attempted to make friends with the new neighbors. They were young and interesting. We walked our dog with theirs. We invited them to our monthly potlucks.
And then they broke up. In an
Dreaming Big: The Course
If you decide to enroll in a Mondo Beyondo course, please click through from my website! I will earn $20 that will go straight into my Dreaming Savings Account (sorry for the shameless self-promotion!)
Last month, I enrolled in Mondo Beyondo, an online course about dreaming big. Unfortunately, a few things conspired to make my experience less than fruitful:
- I should have waited until my calendar cleared a bit before tackling a new and ambitious undertaking (in Mondo Beyondo speak, we call this “making a clearing.”). March was frenetic and frazzled. I traveled four times and had something on my calendar every single day except Tuesday, March 23.