Birthday Rituals
Candle holder ritual from several years ago Henry celebrated his 8th birthday last week, so our birthday rituals are in full force around here!
The first thing I do is select ten or so photos from the past year and send them to Walgreens for printing using their online functionality. I order 4×6 for all the photos, except I order a 5×7 of my favorite.
Then I hang the Happy Birthday banner that I made when I was pregnant with Henry. I use painters’ tape to hang the ten or so photos around the banner.
Then I hang a piece of twine with push pins across our dining room window … Read More
Henry’s 8th Birthday
Stinson Beach during Fall Break Summer Trip to Colorado Sculpting mud on a camping trip with friends Barton Springs in Austin, TX Breakfast! Swimming in Lady Bird Lake in Austin, TX On Lake Travis Just another day Legos! Fishing in Wimberley, TX Japanese Tea Garden in San Antonio IMAX documentary at Bullock Museum Dearest Henry,
We have been so lucky to have another year with you. You are so full of interesting ideas and insights. And you have big, deep questions about the universe! You also love fuzzy blankets, tickling, wrestling, and snuggling.
You continue to love fishing when you get a chance. You caught a big fish when we … Read More
Hello, Old Friend!
The boys and me at Bolinas Beach (north of San Francisco) during Fall Break. Oh, my! It’s been so long since I’ve been in this space. Well, technically this isn’t even the same space since I migrated my blog from Blogger to WordPress. But it feels the same since it’s still just me, my keyboard, and my thoughts.
What has happened since I last shared? It looks like I left off at the end of September. That makes sense, given the fact that October got pretty busy. It started with our Fall Break trip to Stinson Beach (north of San Francisco). Then it was all Beto O’Rourke campaign work all … Read More