Sewing Club
Image courtesy of Colette Patterns
Anyone interesting in doing a little virtual sewing together? I’m going to tackle this cute (and relatively easy?) dress by Colette Patterns. It’s called the Crepe.… Read MoreI love the 1950ish feel to it, as well as the cap sleeves. And I’m especially enamored by the idea that it has a tie waist instead of any difficult closures.
But in order to tackle a big sewing project (while I juggle a gazillion things: this blog, 2000 Dollar Wedding, Purposeful Conception, educational consulting, my book about weddings, my book about Montessori, selling our house, finding a rental house, and Henry), I’m going to have to
DIY: Montessori Helper Platform
Image courtesy anawhite
Oh, I wish I were married to a wood-worker!I would love to be able to say, “Baby, we really need ______. Will you build it for us?”
Like this handy helper platform. This type of furniture is very Montessori, since we try to involve children in the everyday activities of adults as often as possible. And they are super-expensive to purchase. They are especially useful for letting children help in the kitchen.
This DIY version looks awesome!
DIY: Shirt Applique
While Henry was actively engaged in watching his butterfly mobile, I decided to squeeze in a little crafting time to work on my shirt.… Read MoreHenry – Happy Friday! from SaraMattHossHop-singClemHenry on VimeoStep One:
- I put on the shirt and figured out how I wanted to modify the sleeves by playing around with different folds. When I found something I liked, I pinned each sleeve in place.
And, um, that’s all I was able to accomplish during my first work period. So sad!
Step Two:
- Later in the day, during one of Henry’s nap times, I hemmed the sleeves along the new lines.
- I then used pinking shears to