• Reflection-n-Rejuvenation

    Healing from the Pandemic: Finding the Silver Lining

    I’ve been doing a lot of work lately to focus on healing from the pandemic. I know it’s not over yet, but y’all know I like to get a head start on things. And moving ahead and making plans for the future is part of what helps me feel better in life. I know that about myself.

    But I’m being careful not to move ahead too quickly. I recently heard a quote from Dr. Elizabeth Sylvester about how if we aren’t intentional about metabolizing our feelings, they can metastasize. A pattern I learned in my family growing up is to not feel my feelings. I learned that the faster I … Read More

  • Reflection-n-Rejuvenation

    Emotional Intelligence: What Are Your Top 5 Emotions?

    Emotional Intelligence

    I’m still going strong with the Noom app, which I’m having trouble believing. Our life is full of stress right now (we are moving this week!). But I’m continuing to walk nearly 10,000 steps a day, log all my meals, weigh myself each day, and stay under my daily calorie allotment. I was never this consistent with WeightWatchers or MyFitness Pal. I think one of the reasons relates to the daily activities in Noom that require you to think in new ways and learn more about psychology. Last week, my activities focused on Emotional Intelligence.

    What are your Top 5 Emotions?

    One of the activities they had … Read More