Family Gap Year Post #4: A List of Destinations
Matt is fully onboard with the idea of a Family Gap Year now that he sees that I am fully willing to take on the bulk of planning. I don’t mind! I love planning. He does the laundry and empties the dishwasher every week; I have to balance it out somehow.
We whittled down the original list of destinations to a narrower one. Then I created a new tab within the Master Google Sheet called, “Weather.” As you can see in the image above, I listed our top destinations down the Y-axis and the months of the year across the X-axis. I googled each country and tried to identify the … Read More
Family Gap Year Post #3: Our Possible List of Family Gap Year Destinations
I’m obsessed with the idea of a Family Gap Year. I still can’t believe we’re actually thinking about. I’m continuing to talk with my team and our Board of Directors about whether I could effectively do my job remotely for a year.
My master Google sheet is growing. I started a Budget tab straight away. I realized that if we can figure out a way to rent out our house in order to cover our mortgage, sell our cars, work remotely, and stick to more affordable accommodations, we might actually be able to pull this off (um…I will ignore the long list of “ifs”…).
We started making a list … Read More
Family Gap Year Post #2: The Planning Begins
The Google Sheet has been started Sometimes I fall madly in love with an idea but then wake up the next day with a “What was I thinking?” feeling. I’ll be honest and say there’s a little of that when it comes to the idea of a Family Gap Year. But the more we keep talking about it, the more excited I get.
I’m still trying to figure out whether it would be possible with my work. It will depend on what the priorities are for my role next year and whether those can be accomplished via video conference.
In the meantime, I’m moving forward with planning. If we … Read More