Taking Your Family to Performances
Processed with VSCO with a6 preset Do any of you focus on taking your family to performances? Matt and I are not really performance goers. However, we have made it a family goal for the past couple of years to go to at least two a year. We always enjoy it!
We went to a dance recital earlier in the year to support an acquaintance of ours. This time around, we chose a performance of Rosita y Conchita at the Scottish Rite Theater (based on this book).
Honestly, I thought this might have had to be our last performance. Henry did not want to go at all. It erupted … Read More
Family Goals: An Update on How We Are Doing
This is our fourth year of doing Family Goals, and I really like it! I find that it’s so easy to fall into a rut on weekends. With Family Goals in place, we are more motivated to stretch beyond “business as usual.”
Two weekends ago, for example, we made progress toward two goals. First, we hosted our fifth gathering of friends/neighbors this year at our monthly Saturday Supper. Since it’s a potluck, there’s really no excuse not to do it. I barely even pick up our house in preparation for it. It’s really relaxing and fun to just hang out with people in the backyard.
On Sunday, we … Read More