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    Canning Pizza Sauce

    I’m finally going to do it! I’m finally going to can something. 
    I talked about it last year or the year before. But then life got in the way–per usual! 
    I ordered this canning kit from Amazon and these jars. They are only one cup serving sizes because we don’t need that much pizza sauce at once. I think the cup size will be the perfect amount. We eat easy homemade pizza once a week or once every other week. I simply smother pizza sauce on naan bread and add toppings like broccoli and mushrooms. #quickdinnersforworkingmoms
    I found a recipe that does not require me to peel the tomatoes.
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    Start a Garden!

    If you have children, I wholeheartedly recommend starting a garden. It’s the most amazing thing to watch children move through the planting to harvesting cycle. You don’t even need a very big one to have a big impact. We’ve recently been harvesting Brussels sprouts and artichokes. Amazingness!
    There are a couple ways we fit gardening into our crazy-busy lives:
    1. Our raised beds are in our front yard, which means we are forced to pass by them and notice them every day. 
    2. We have automatic irrigation–it changes everything! Here’s a kit that might work well for a raised bed.
    We put so little into our garden in terms of time and
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    Another Season of Gardening

    And so the cycle of gardening begins again. We pretty much garden year-round in Central Texas! Well, actually, it is year-round here. 
    The boys and I just pulled up the fall/winter garden. We harvested a bunch of cabbage. It was fun to watch broccoli completely flower (it attracts so many bees!). We pulled out all the lettuce, as well. We left our artichoke plants (they seem to grow all year long!) and our Brussels sprouts. 
    Henry pulled a lot of snails out of our garden and moved them to a better spot. During the process, he noticed, “Mama! The snails are mating!” Sure enough, they were. It’s so fun to
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