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    Our New Budget

    So my goal to only work one hour a night is not going so well. Perhaps I shouldn’t have been so ambitious? Going from 3-4 hours/night to 1 hour/night is kind of unreasonable. At least the work I’m doing finally feels like it’s transition from “treading water” to “swimming forward”! 
    The other good news is that I have more energy on the weekends. Last Friday, after the kids went to bed, I asked Matt if we could work on our budget. Although it’s not his ideal way to spend a Friday night, he agreed to work on it for about 30 minutes. 
    First we started with our income. We logged
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    Teaching Children to Save Money

    Henry has been really interested in money lately. He really, really wants quarters for candy machines around town. We choose not to give him quarters on the spot and instead tell him that he can remember to bring quarters from his piggy bank (he solves this problem by turning the knobs anyway–it works more often than you think it would!–and finding stray candy on the ground and putting it in his mouth before we can stop him–it builds his immune system, right?). 

    His interest in money inspired my idea for his Christmas present this year: a modified piggy bank system that encourages him to save his money for various purposes.
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    Yet Another Budget Update

    Image courtesy Emily Henderson’s blog

    The financial discussions (and–let’s be honest–occasional shouting matches) continue around these parts. To catch up those of you who have joined us recently, Matt and I have a lot going on right now that impacts our finances (fortunately, it’s all by choice):
    • I took a year off to stay home with Henry after his birth from 2011-12. I continued with side projects that brought in additional income (I published a book, did a couple consulting jobs for schools, sold our house for a profit without using a realtor, and ran several Purposeful Conception courses), but I still brought in considerably less than when I
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