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    Still Dealing with Stress Eating

    I know this topic is getting old, but it’s something I’m still dealing with. And honestly, it’s a process rather than a product anyway, so it makes sense that I’m back in this space to reflect and generate new strategies going forward.

    I’ve been trying to exercise regularly and get my eating into a healthy pattern. Before I focus on what I’m not doing and what’s not working, I should celebrate the progress I’ve made. I am now exercising an average of two times a week! (The exclamation mark is a forced attempt to celebrate something that feels very small). But this is not the time for self-judgement–I’m going to
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    Momma Strong Discount Code

    So many of you have been recommending MommaStrong.com for so long now. I’ve resisted it because I really don’t like exercise videos. But then Maureen (thanks, Maureen!) posted on Facebook about a special deal. If you enter “twostrong” in the promo code area, the $30 price drops to $2. And I’ve been looking for inspiration/motivation to reclaim my body, so I took the $2 plunge. I start today on the 30-day “Hook.” Let me know if you want to join me! 
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    Update on Breastfeeding and My Post-Partum Body

    I am so incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to breastfeed my second child, just like I did for my first. I breastfed Henry for 14 months and am planning to at least cross the 12-month mark with Tate. I am happy to report that it has been so much easier this time! The first time around, my nipples were incredibly sore (think tears every time he latched on), I fought clogged ducts left and right (hello, cabbage compresses!), I had a couple of mastitis scares, and Henry took at least 45 minutes to eat for the first three months of his life (at least eight times a day!).

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