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    Strengthening Our Support Network

    The most recent round of Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body and Life for Pregnancy started this week. The first lesson is a holistic life assessment. I love working through the exercise every couple months with each new class. It’s interesting to me how much our family’s strengths and areas for growth can change in such a relatively short amount of time.
    Right now, our biggest area for growth is our Support Network. It’s definitely grown tremendously since we moved to Austin 1.5 years ago (has it really been that long?). My dear friend Sarah (author of Monday’s post about living car-free) set up a Meal Train for
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    Organic Mattress


    The search for an organic mattress begins! 

    Henry’s been sleeping on a crib mattress on the floor (Montessori-style) since we stopped co-sleeping around two months. Now that there’s a new baby on the way (due at the end of June), it feels like a good time to upgrade him to a twin mattress on the floor. Eventually, we’ll probably pair the mattress with the MALM bed from IKEA, but for now we might as well keep it as low to the ground as possible. 
    It won’t be much of a transition to go from a crib to a twin mattress, but we might as well
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    The Natural Deodorant Saga Continues

    Argh. How many more posts will I have to write before I settle on a final solution? 
    The pursuit of more healthy deodorant is not something I want to give up on. I’m honestly nervous about the potential carcinogens lurking in the products we use day in and day out (I tried to stop using canned beans to avoid BPA, but I really can’t get my act together to soak and cook them so far in advance; instead, I’m switching to Eden Organics, which uses BPA-free cans–and, by the way, seems to have some awesome, easy recipes on their website!).
    As a recap of where I’ve been on this
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