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    Healthy Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy

    Okay, so today’s the day I promised to discuss the embarrassing third reason I’m happy to be pregnant. First, let me tell a little of the back story. After my miscarriage, I worked really hard to get my body back in good shape to try and conceive again. I joined Weight Watchers to help me lose the last of my pregnancy weight and consistently exercised four times a week. I was feeling fantastic and very proud of myself. 
    And then I was ovulating and we were trying to have a baby and I felt pregnant within one to two days. I mainly felt bloated and tired. It was hard to
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    Henry’s Health Binder

    I am humbled by your kindness, Friends. Thank you for taking time out of your day to share some encouraging words with me yesterday. I promise my intent wasn’t to make you feel sorry for me and say nice things to me (although maybe that was some kind of sub-conscious desire?). Regardless, your thoughtfulness was much-appreciated.  

    We’re getting ready to take Henry to his 18-month well-check appointment (I know; we’re a month late). I’ve been wanting to create a centralized place to keep all of his health-related things. Right now we have a folder for everything, but folders never really feel organized to me. Also, not everything makes it

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    Guest Post: Surviving Cancer from Asbestos

    I don’t typically run guest posts around these parts, but when Heather contacted me about a message that she wanted to share with a wider audience, I was honored to share this space with her. I think a lot about environmental toxins–in our furniture, mattresses, Tupperware, pots and pans, paint, makeup–and it scares the daylights out of me. It scares me because asbestos was once considered to be a miracle product. Which of today’s everyday materials will turn out to be a killer in a couple decades? Without further ado, here’s Heather with her story:
    Triumph Over Tragedy 

    When I heard those three dreadful words—“You have cancer”—talk

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