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    A Little Cleansing

    Oy. I have had the hardest time upholding the health and wellness prong of my life this year. It’s such a predictable pattern in my life. Something happens and I stop running (this time it was our trip to Australia and then I threw out my back). When I’m not running, I start eating a lot more unhealthy things. Then I start gaining weight, my clothes don’t fit, and I feel more sluggish/fatigued. 

    Meanwhile, Tate has a parasite in his gut and an overgrowth of Candida. (We took him to a pediatric functional medicine doctor, and she ordered a stool analysis on him). So he needs to kill the Candida … Read More

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    Nightly Relaxation Ritual

    I’ve been feeling a lot of anxiety at night (work-related stuff), and it’s impacting my sleep. Simultaneously, we’re working through a round of Purposeful Conception: Preparing Your Mind, Body, and Life for Pregnancy, and it’s reminding me of what a conscious effort I made to relax and de-stress my life when I was pregnant with Henry. Every night I would shut down by a certain time, do yoga, and then relax. Here’s what I said about it:

    During my pre-conception phase, I developed a nightly Relaxation Ritual for myself. At 8:15 every night, I would spend 15 minutes picking up the clutter that had accumulated around our house during

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    Take Control of Your Health: Order Your Own Blood Work

    For those of you who are new to this saga, here’s the quick recap: Henry was struggling with self-regulation. We took him to therapy (and still do), had him tested by a neuro-behavioralist, had food sensitivity testing done (he should steer clear of gluten), and had a genetic test done by a child psychiatrist. His genetic testing reveals that he has MTHFR issues and his body doesn’t process folic acid the way it’s supposed to, which means he doesn’t produce dopamine and serotonin the way he is supposed to (which means he can only self-regulate about 70% of the time). 
    And since it’s genetic, it means I have issues, too!
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