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    Living a Healthy Lifestyle

    I recently wrote a post for 2000 Dollar Wedding about how I want to get back into pre-baby shape simply by living a healthy lifestyle (instead of doing crazy things like 6am boot camp). I’m eager to fit back into my clothes. I thought I could wear some of my maternity clothes in the meantime, but they are designed to accentuate your belly! Not a good idea when you aren’t actually pregnant…

    And swimsuit season is upon us. Enough said.

    Plus, I’m going to a wedding this summer where I will get to reconnect with people I haven’t seen in years. I would like to look my healthy best.


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    The Benefits of Prenatal Exercise

    Hoss and I getting ready for a walk (known to Hoss as a “sniff, sniff”) in my second trimester

    I get silly updates from pregnancy sites on a daily basis. I call them silly because they aren’t usually all that helpful, but I like to skim them anyway because they occasionally have small nuggets of advice. I received this one recently:

    Babies of pregnant exercisers tend to sleep through the night sooner, are less prone to colic, and are better able to soothe themselves. Scientists attribute this to these babies being stimulated by their moms through changes in heart rate and oxygen levels, as well as the sounds and vibrations

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    Cow’s Milk

    I grew up on milk. I usually ate it (and then drank it) with my Chocolate Cocoa Krispies. Then at night, my mom would serve up a tall glass for dinner.

    As my consciousness about nutrition has grown over the years (no more fake cereals for me!), I’ve looked at cow’s milk through a more critical lens. I’m extremely wary of the chemicals and the antibiotics that go into raising cows. I now opt for organic, antibiotic-free milk.

    However, I’ve never gone the route of many of my nutritionally-conscious friends. I know lots of people who have given up dairy. I’ve been reluctant to take this path because, as a

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