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    Breakfast Options

    I’m getting ready to make my first green smoothie (in my regular ol’ junky blender). I’m just waiting for the pears to ripen, so I can make rainbow chard + pears + water + ice smoothie. One of my student’s moms said that was a good combination to start with. I’m excited. I can’t, for the life of me, ever remember eating rainbow chard (and I didn’t realize it was pronounced with an “sh” rather than the common “ch” sound). I guess that’s what happens when you grow up in a pork chop + ice burg lettuce salad + mashed potatoes kind of family (no offense, Mom).

    In the meantime, … Read More

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    More Chatter About Ovulation (or Lack Thereof)

    I’m happy to report that the length of my cycle went down last month (perhaps thanks to my stress-reduction efforts?). This year, it’s gone from 43 days, to 35 days, to 33 days.

    I’m still worried about my potential lack of ovulation. I peed on sticks every day last cycle and this cycle, but I never get a very dark line. The line does change in darkness, but it never gets darker than the control line. I also haven’t noticed a temperature shift yet (although I track this more unreliably). I do notice changes in cervical fluid. This month, for example, I had one day of “egg-white” fluid.

    I’m going … Read More

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    Blood Work Results

    I am so thankful to have a general physician who believes in yearly physicals and recommends blood tests to gain greater insight into her patients’ overall health.

    Here’s what the results say from my recent test:

    Your blood sugar, electrolytes, kidney, thyroid, liver, and blood counts are normal. Your iron studies are normal. Your lipid panel/cholesterol is normal. Your female hormone test (progesterone, FSH, LH, and estradiol) is normal and implies at time of testing you were in “follicular” phase of cycle. Pap smear is normal.

    Phew! I’m especially relieved to know that have normal iron and protein levels. As a vegetarian, it’s something I worry about. The delightful and … Read More