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    Natural Healthcare

    Ooh, I’m excited about this acupuncture center I found in Houston: The Axelrad Clinic for Natural Women’s Healthcare. Here’s what their website says:

    Restore your natural rhythm and correct hormonal imbalance with safe, natural, hormone-free treatment. We have seen excellent results treating conditions such as menopausal symptoms, menstrual irregularity, PMS, endometriosis, and other common women’s health complaints.
    Our women’s health treatment program is designed to support your body’s natural hormonal function and restore the delicate balance of your endocrine system. Using the natural treatments of Acupuncture, Individualized Herbal Therapy, and targeted nutritional support, we correct the subtle disharmonies that are causing your hormones to function abnormally. We have seen
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    Sorry for the rather blunt title.

    In fact, this post is going to be rather blunt. Definitely feel free to excuse yourself now, if you don’t want to hear a candid discussion of my bowel movements (I don’t blame you!).

    I need to figure out a way to get my bowel movements back on track. A while ago, I was going Number Two (well, I figured I might as well throw in a euphemism) every single morning before work. Like clockwork. And that felt really right for my body.

    But now I’m much more inconsistent, and I’m thinking it’s because I changed my breakfast routine. I used to eat Organic Read More

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    Healthy Eating (cont’d)

    Image courtesy of smitten kitchen

    It’s cold here. I’m not saying that to complain; I’m saying it to provide context about why I stayed inside and read all day yesterday. (I’ll detail more of my reading insights in later posts!)

    I mainly read pregnancy books. We still have a while before we want to start trying to conceive, but I love planning. I want to best prepare my body for conception, and I want to deal with the stressful stuff (like deciding between home birth or a birthing center) as much as possible now.

    I picked up Healthy Eating During Pregnancy at the library yesterday (yes, I braved the cold … Read More