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    Chlorine Water Filter

    One of the items on my pre-conception list was to add a chlorine filter to our shower head. Sure, I understand that we need chlorine in our water to get the nasties out of it, but it really makes sense to remove it before saturating my skin/eyes/mouth in it every day.

    That’s where this dandy little filter comes in handy. I did a bit of searching, and this one seems to have several positive reviews. Plus, I couldn’t beat the $14.74 price. It looks easy to install and use.

    I’m eager for it to arrive!

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    Getting Back on Track

    Okay, I have gained approximately six pounds since Christmas. And I feel it. I feel it when I squeeze into my pants, get them buttoned, and then my belly inches over the waistband. I feel it when I run and my butt jiggles so much it hurts. Seriously. (I apologize for being so graphic.)

    I think the problem is two-fold (or maybe three-fold?). First, I do best with routines and habits. We had a two-week winter vacation which was awesome, but we did not follow our normal routines and habits. We ate out a lot. We snacked a lot. We ate a lot of dessert.

    Secondly, I’ve been focusing more … Read More

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    Omega Supplement

    I’ve been toying with the idea of taking Omega-3 supplements for a while, but I just now got around to actually doing it. They aren’t vegetarian (even aside from the fish oil, there’s also gelatin), but I want to make sure I round out my diet. Since I really like my multivitamin, I decided to go with the same brand: Rainbow Lite.

    It was so easy to fall into really unhealthy habits during the break. First it was the 15-hour road trip (our two primary options are veggie burgers at Burger King and Taco Bell). Then it was trays of snackie foods at my parents’ house and dinners … Read More