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    B-12 Deficiency

    I’ve been continuing down my health and wellness journey. It’s a slow journey but a steady one! 
    After visiting with a functional medicine doctor (I am in love with functional medicine, which focuses on the whole human and tries to incorporate research way more quickly than mainstream medicine), I decided to get some baseline blood work done. My functional medicine doctor wanted me to start a whole host of supplements and dietary changes (like no gluten), so I wanted to get baseline data to see if her recommendations actually had any impact. 
    It was way more difficult than I thought to order blood work from my general physician. My general
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    My Genetic Testing Update

    We’ve been
    on a journey in our family to get to the root of some of the issues we’ve been
    having. The first issue we started addressing was Henry’s struggle with self-regulation.
    It’s something we heard from teachers for multiple years before we finally took
    action. When he was five years-old, we started him in a play-based therapy.
    When his issues didn’t resolve themselves, we had him get tested by a
    neuro-behavioralist (recommended by the therapist). Those results came back
    pretty inconclusive. He said Henry might have ADHD in a few years but for now
    it just looks like anxiety.
    He didn’t
    have any solid answers about why a five
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    My New Favorite Sunscreen

    Considering that my children are pretty much naked nearly all of the time while at home, we invest in a lot of sunscreen. 
    I use the Environmental Working Group database to analyze how toxic sunscreens are because it has never made sense to me to try to protect your skin from cancer by slathering on known-carcinogens. 
    And yet the more natural the sunscreen, the more impractical it tends to be. The healthiest kinds (those with a rating of 1) are so thick, so pasty, and so frustrating. Then you don’t want to put on the sunscreen at all. And then you are back to the original cancer. 
    So I’ve finally
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