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    Some Good News and Bad News

    I finally made an appointment to hear the results from my food sensitivity testing. I’ll admit: ignorance was bliss. I honestly didn’t want to know. If I knew that something was causing an immune response in my body, then I would have to do something about it. 
    The good news is that my test was pretty clear. Nothing was in the 4 or higher range. The things that got the highest were milk, whey, and brewers’ yeast. 
    On the other hand, Matt’s results were terrible. He is sensitive to most of the staples of an American diet, including many different forms of gluten and dairy. 
    I know lots of people
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    My Life Work: Genetic Testing, Therapy, Etc.

    At the end of the year, I want to be able to say that I feel balanced, connected, full of vitality, and at peace. I want to make sure my own bucket is full so I can interact with others from a place of patience, love, and joy. 
    To work toward that end, I’ve started working with a leadership coach every other week. I’m also about to start working with a therapist on the alternate weeks. I’m going to do it via Skype so I don’t feel like I have one more commitment outside of the home. 
    Through my work so far, I’m learning how I have to be more
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    It’s Time for a Change

    Now that we are using Sunbasket for three meals a week, I hardly ever have leftovers for lunch. I’ve been resorting to grabbing a protein bar and a piece of fruit. That was bad enough. Then I stopped having time to make my green smoothies for breakfast and starting grabbing the same kind of protein bar for breakfast. What?!?

    I have to stop. I need more veggies and more fiber. Enter the work day salad
    Inspired by Kelsey, I am going to start making a work day salad the night before. Here’s what I’m aiming for:
    • Crunchy lettuce
    • Farro
    • Boiled egg
    • Peas
    • Carrots
    • Cucumber
    • Red pepper
    I’m going
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